NVTC gets Monster Support for Veterans Employment Initiative

NVTC LogoThe Northern Virginia Technology Council recently announced a new program, “The NVTC Veterans Technology Employment Initiative”, to help connect veterans to employment opportunities within Virginia’s technology community. Through this initiative, NVTC and Monster.Com will provide tools and resources to match veterans with jobs, internships, mentorships and certifications, while also providing support to member companies in their efforts to hire, train and retain qualified veteran employees. In addition, NVTC is collaborating with state and federal policymakers to expedite legislative and/or regulatory action that enhances companies’ ability to hire and train veterans on any federal contract.

“The NVTC Veterans Employment Initiative is about bringing together the technology business community with our region’s academic institutions and policymakers to create an ecosystem where veterans’ valuable skills and talents are matched to private sector needs,” said NVTC President and CEO Bobbie Kilberg. “We are extremely grateful to Steve Cooker and the entire Monster team for the time and resources they’ve invested in this initiative. Through the dedication and commitment of companies like Monster, our goal is to increase veteran employment in Virginia’s technology community and expedite veterans’ transition into civilian employment.

“Steve Cooker, Executive Vice President, Global Government Solutions for Monster Worldwide, who serves as a co-chair of the NVTC Veterans Employment Initiative, spoke about why Monster is taking such an active role in the program, “This NVTC initiative aligns with our mission perfectly. At Monster, what we do is connect people with job opportunities – it’s in our DNA. Part of our deep and rich legacy working with the military and veterans comes from our subsidiary, Military.com. We also develop innovative solutions that help put veterans back to work — the military skills translator is a perfect example. Plus, we live here. We’re part of the Northern Virginia business community and we saw this NVTC initiative bringing all of those elements together right in our back yard.”

For more information about the NVTC Veterans Employment Initiative, visit www.nvtc.org/veterans. Or visit the veteran online community and resource at www.nvtc.monster.com.


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