Healthcare can learn a lot from Disney

What if your healthcare experience was more like your last trip to Disneyworld?  That’s essentially the question that was pondered by participants of the Health Enterprises Network’s August event. The presentation, sponsored by Galen College of Nursing, featured former Disney executive Lee Cockerell, author of the recently released “The Customer Rules: The 39 Essential Rules for Delivering Sensational Service”.

Mr. Cockerell points out the primary responsibility of business leaders today is to hire the right people. He repeated the familiar adage that we hire people to fast, and fire them too slow. He is a proponent of carefully selecting employees (“cast members”) and then training and testing them along the way.

He also talked about the importance of creating a place where people want to come to work, instead of “have to”. This starts by being a good role model to your employees in regards to how you treat them. He uses the acronym “ARE” to remind himself to “Appreciate, Recognize and Encourage” his employees every day.

Cockerell also talked about the importance of good planning, and starting every day by reviewing what you did yesterday, then focusing on what you need to do today. All of this must be framed around recognizing who are the important people in your lives that you are doing this for…your family, employees and customers.

He points out the importance of taking the preventative steps of taking care of your people (and yourself) in order to prevent problems down the road. Whether you are talking about your own personal health, or the health of your organization, taking the proper steps proactively can reduce problems down the road. He calls this “pre-hab”.

His research shows that there are four expectations shared by both customers and employees:

  1. They expect to feel special
  2. They want to be treated as an individual
  3. They want you to show respect to them
  4. They want to deal with knowledgeable, trained people

Think about those four things.  If we could incorporate those ideas into every healthcare experience, imagine the difference it could make to the patient experience, as well as your company’s bottom line.

The philosophies presented by Mr. Cockerell in regards to delivering outstanding customer experiences, in many ways mirrors Trinity’s tagline and the company’s dedicated focus on “delivering the best customer service possible each and every day.” 

Contact Trinity Video Communications today and let us deliver excellent customer service to you.


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