UK HealthCare-Blue Angels

Lexington, KY

UK HealthCare consists of five hospitals, over 80 specialized clinics, 140+ outreach programs, and a team of 9,000 physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and health care workers—all dedicated to patient health.  The majority of the facilities and healthcare professionals are based out of Lexington, KY, and outlying areas around the city.

Kentucky is well-known for poor marks on health measures like obesity, diabetes, smoking, and heart disease.  This is mainly attributed to the fact that almost half of the 120 counties in the Commonwealth are considered rural, with limited access to nearby healthcare treatment and education.  UK HealthCare recognized this need and began the Blue Angels program, which partners with rural healthcare facilities to bring high-level specialty care to patients in remote areas.

Project Specifications



UK HealthCare collaborated with Trinity Video Communications to implement a mobile telemedicine solution that could remotely assess cardiology, optometry, and obstetrics.  Technicians travel to rural destinations—often Appalachian—with a briefcase-size video conferencing system, which includes a camera and microphone and connects to medical equipment at each location.  Once connected by the technician, a specialist at UK HealthCare is able to view an ultrasound or other medical procedure as it is being performed several hours away and communicate with the patient and technician as if they were in the same room.


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